Climate Change
and Future Marine
and Biodiversity

Outreach Material
FutureMARES Synthesis Report: Marine Nature-based Solutions and Sustainable Seafood Harvesting in a Future Climate
After 4 years of researching, the Synthesis Report gathers the interdisciplinary products and advice generated and shared within FutureMARES. They are the culmination of field monitoring and measurements, laboratory experiments, numerical modeling and expert interviews conducted by more than 200 scientists across 33 partner institutions located across 15 countries.
Through its work, FutureMARES has improved the understanding of the inter-relations between climate change impacts, and how Natural-based Solutions (NBS) and Natural-inclusive Harvesting (NIH) implementation alone or in combination, can increase the adaptation and mitigation potential of marine habitats, and safeguard the delivery of ecosystem services.
FutureMARES is indebted to the hard work, dedication, and effective collaboration of all members of the project consortium.

FutureMARES Introduction Video featuring Myron A. Peck (Coordinator)
What is FutureMARES all about?
Which NBS do we focus on and why?
How does our research help in adapting marine ecosystems to climate change?
In this video, project coordinator Myron A. Peck (NIOZ, Texel) introduces the nuts and bolts of FutureMARES, our Case Study regions and research topics. How does this relate to ecosystem services, biodiversity and cultural benefits for society? Watch the clip to learn more!
FutureMARES Scenarios Brochure - a 'Glossy' that describes our NBS scenarios
This document introduces scenarios and seeks specific input from stakeholders on their perceptions of regional aspects most important to be contrasted in FutureMARES activities.
Project activities include projections of spatial ecological impacts, social-ecological risk assessment, and bioeconomic analyses.
This work is performed using different scenarios of NBS implementation
FutureMARES Roll-Ups - for download and printing for stakeholder events
The roll-ups introduce the project to stakeholders at events and workshops. They also include contact information.
PDF for printing/production of a physical roll-up. If you need other file formats or languages, get in touch with:
Dr. Vera Köpsel
(vera.koepsel [at] uni-hamburg.de).
English version
English version
English version
English version