Climate Change
and Future Marine
and Biodiversity

Policy Documents
Designing intelligent climate policy requires understanding to what extent climate change jeopardizes ecosystem functioning and services, and the potential for effective and efficient Nature-based Solutions (NBS) and Nature-inclusive Harvesting (NIH) to safeguard biodiversity contributions to people. FutureMARES develops evidence-based guidance at appropriate spatial and temporal scales for our two NBSs and one NIH (Effective Restoration, Effective Conservation and Nature-inclusive Harvesting) across a broad range of European and other marine and transitional systems resulting from a guided process leading to in-depth knowledge integrating climate, social, ecological and economic systems.
Find below key policy papers that FutureMARES published or contributed to.
FutureMARES Policy Briefs

FutureMARES Policy Brief 1
Butenschön M, Kristiansen T & Peck MA (2024): Policy Brief 1 - Climate Exposure of European Marine Areas: Hotspots and Refugia.
PDF available here.
Cite this Policy Brief as:
Butenschön M, Kristiansen T & Peck MA (2024): Climate Exposure of European Marine Areas: Hotspots and Refugia. FutureMARES Policy Brief 1. Available at: https://www.futuremares.eu/policy-papers

FutureMARES Policy Brief 2
Rilov G, Chust G & Peck MA (2024): Policy Brief 2 - Marine Biodiversity: Climate Sensitivity and Resilience.
PDF available here.
Cite this Policy Brief as:
Rilov G, Chust G & Peck MA (2024): Marine Biodiversity: Climate sensitivity and resilience. FutureMARES Policy Brief 2. Available at: https://www.futuremares.eu/policy-papers

FutureMARES Policy Brief 3
Bueno-Pardo J, Ojea E & Peck MA (2024): Policy Brief 3 - Nature-Based Solutions Decrease Climate Risks to Marine Habitats and Ecosystem Services.
PDF available here.
Cite this Policy Brief as:
Bueno-Pardo J, Ojea E & Peck MA (2024): Nature-based Solutions Decrease Climate Risks to Marine Habitats and Ecosystem Services. FutureMARES Policy Brief 3. Available at: https://www.futuremares.eu/policy-papers

FutureMARES Policy Brief 4
Coll M, Lynam C, Corrales X, Espasandin L, Ortega M,Puntila-Dodd R, Szalaj D, Tomczak M, Steenbeek J, Peck MA (2024): European Digital Marine Labs: Testing the role of NBS in Climate Change Mitigation and Sustainable Fisheries.
PDF available here.
Cite this Policy Brief as:
Coll M, Lynam C, Corrales X, Espasandin L, Ortega M, Puntila-Dodd R, Szalaj D, Tomczak M, Steenbeek J & Peck MA (2024): European Digital Marine Labs: Testing the role of NBS in Climate Change Mitigation and Sustainable Fisheries. FutureMARES Policy Brief 4. Available at: https://www.futuremares.eu/policy-papers

FutureMARES Policy Brief 5
Dorte Krause-Jensen, Ana Queirós, Fabio Bulleri, Elizabeth Talbot, Rob Wilson, Marta Coll, Ignacio Catalán, Jorge Terrados, Myron A. Peck (2024): Blue forest in a future climate. PDF available here.
Cite this Policy Brief as:
Krause-Jensen D, Queirós A, Bulleri F, Talbot E, Coll M, Catalán I, Terrados J & Peck MA (2024): Blue Forests in a Future Climate. FutureMARES Policy Brief 5.
Available at: https://www.futuremares.eu/policy-papers
FutureMARES Science for Policy Sessions - June 2024

Climate Sensitivity and Resilience of Marine Biodiversity.
Moderator: Myron A. Peck (NIOZ)
Presentations: Momme Butenschön (CMCC) et al., Gil Rilov (IOLR) et al.
PDF available here.​

Effective Restoration and Conservation Strategies for Marine Species and Habitats.
Moderator: Isabel Sousa Pinto (CIIMAR)
Presentations: Ana Queirós (PML) et al., José A. Fernandes (AZTI) et al., Dorte Krause-Jensen (AU) et al.
PDF available here.​

Marine Ecosystem Services and Sustainable Harvesting in a Future Climate.
Moderator: Chris Lynam (Cefas)
Presentations: Marta Coll (ICM-CSIC) et al, Juan Bueno Pardo (UVIGO) et al., Sarah Simons (TI), et al.
PDF available here.​

FutureMARES Science to Policy Session 2024 - Agenda
PDF available here.​
FutureMARES Contributions

UN Global Compact (2021): Roadmap to Integrate Offshore Renewable Energy into Climate-Smart Marine Spatial Planning.
PDF available here.
FutureMARES authors:
Dr Ana Queiros, PML

Austin, W., Cohen, F., Coomes, D., Hanley, N., Lewis, S., Luque-Lora, R., Marchant, R., Naylor, L., Queirós, A. M., Savaresi, A., Seddon, N., Smith, A., Smith, P. and Wheeler, C. (2021): Nature-based solutions for climate change, people and biodiversity. COP26 Universities Network Briefing.
PDF available here.
FutureMARES authors:
Dr Ana Queiros, PML