On 1 May 2024, Prof Dr Ana Queiros discussed findings in a webinar titled "A climate-resilient path for Ireland’s Marine Protected Areas".
As reported in our previous news article, Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) cooperated with the Irish NGO FairSeas to produce a report on climate change hotspots and refugia in Irish waters in a future climate. The report was produced to help FairSeas in the their ambition to support the government of Ireland in the current expansion of their MPA network, around the new MPA Bill.
The webinar around the report took place on May 1, 2024 as part of the delivery of the "Call for Knowledge" cooperation between FutureMARES and FairSeas. The results of this cooperation will help shape Ireland's response to the EU 2030 Biodiversity Strategy and contribute to the designation of Marine Protected Areas in Irish waters.
For more information contact Ana Queiros (PML).