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FutureMARES featured in policy magazine Innovation News Network

FutureMARES news

Our coordinator Myron Peck, along with Work Package and NBS Leaders, contributed an article about the project to the latest edition on climate change.

Title of the article in Innovation News Network by FutureMARES

The Innovation News Network launched early in 2020 and is a source for the latest news dedicated to research, emerging science, policy and innovation topics across the globe. They provide daily news updates and articles about a wide range of current policy and science topics. In addition, their website focuses on European and worldwide innovations covering sectors including environment, materials and nanotechnology, space, transport, energy, technology, and maritime. Most of their content comes from key figures within the public sector, academia, industry, and the scientific community (Innovation News Network).

View of seagrass meadow under water and a beach/island over the water surface

Our article in the magazine focuses on the larger context of FutureMARES, its goals, research topics, and expected policy impacts. It is already available on the Innovation News Network's website (read here) and will be published in their e-magazine in December 2023 alongside articles by the IPCC and DG CLIMA. In 2024, we will follow up with another piece detailing the results of our research in the areas of

  • Advancing knowledge of marine species and communities in terms of their functions, roles, and services as impacted by climate change;

  • Projections of the physical and biogeochemical effects of climate change and identify climate hotspots and refugia;

  • Field and mesocosm experiments to answer key questions on the sensitivity and adaptive capacity of species and habitats to climate change;

  • Projections of the effects of climate change on the distribution and productivity of habitat-forming and/or commercially or culturally valuable species and consequences for marine biodiversity;

  • Novel, social-ecological climate risk assessments that gauge the effectiveness of NBS and NIH to reduce the severity of climate change impacts on ecosystem services and dependent human communities;

  • Economic analyses of scenarios of the implementation of habitat restoration, conservation strategies, and sustainable harvesting in terms of their costs and benefits at real-world demonstration sites; and

  • Co-development of our research with decision- and policymakers and managers to deliver science-based advice for CC adaptation and mitigation.

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Contact for more information: Vera Köpsel (Communications & Stakeholder Engagement)


© 2023 by FutureMARES


This project receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 869300

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