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FutureMARES Scenarios Brochure & Engagement Workbook out now!

FutureMARES news

What are Nature-based Solutions (NBS) and how can they help us to manage and protect marine ecosystems under a changing climate? Which possible futures lay ahead for the different FutureMARES regions and Storylines, and what do scientists and stakeholders imagine them to look like?

FutureMARES highlights and develops these so-called “Nature-based Solutions” (NBS): resource efficient actions inspired or supported by nature to simultaneously provide environmental, social and economic benefits that help to build resilience to change. The three NBS we focus on are Habitat Restoration, Marine Conservation, and Seafood Harvesting.

In order to find out how these NBS can best be planned and implemented a climate-changed future, our scientists use three scenarios to showcase how marine ecosystems and biodiversity might develop in different regions of the world. These three FutureMARES Scenarios conceptualise the future world in terms of Global Sustainability, National Enterprise, and World Markets.

With the new FutureMARES brochure "Implementation Scenarios for Marine Nature-Based Solutions (NBS)", we published a document that explains the concept of NBS, the use of climate change future scenarios for marine management, and how to regionalise such scenarios together with stakeholders. The brochure covers these topics:

  • Witre Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) in the marine realm?

  • What are scenarios and which ones do we work with?

  • The PESTLE approach and its different elements

  • The specific FutureMARES Scenarios

  • NBS 1 - Habitat Restoration: PESTLE Scenarios

  • NBS 2 - Marine Conservation: PESTLE Scenarios

  • NBS 3 - Seafood Harvesting: PESTLE Scenarios

  • Questions for Stakeholders (Workbook)

Questions for Stakeholder Dialogue

The main purpose of the Scenarios Brochure is to guide and support exchange with stakeholders. During this exchange, the three FutureMARES Scenarios (Global Sustaina-bility, National Enterprise, World Markets) will be regionalised, meaning adapted to different regional and local contexts by adding the pressing questions and issues that shape NBS implementation in each of FutureMARES' Storylines. By discussing the brochure's questions about the different scenario elements, critical reflection and dialogue are fostered among scientists and stakeholders regarding possible future of their region, marine ecosystems and ways of managing them.

Would you like to use the brochure for working with stakeholders in your region?

Or are you an interested stakeholder and would like to learn more about marine NBS and the FutureMARES scenarios?

Download the FutureMARES Scenarios Brochure here:

© 2023 by FutureMARES


This project receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 869300

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