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FutureMARES Storylines are now online!

FutureMARES news
Download you region's document to find out what we are working on

FutureMARES' work is organised in 39 Storylines that focus on different regions, ecosystems, and climate change impacts in European and CELAC marine waters. These Storylines are basically case studies with different parameters under study. In the North Sea, for example, our partner NIVA researches the inter-relationships among kelp, sea urchins and cod. In the Mediterranean Sea, our colleagues from CSIC investigate the restoration of seagrass (Posidonia oceanica) around the Balearic Islands. And in Belize, the project focuses on sustainable seafood harvesting.

Our Storylines fall into three categories:

  • NBS1 - Effective Restoration

  • NBS2 - Effective Conservation

  • NIH - Nature-Inclusive Harvesting

While some cases focus only on one of these categories, others combine all three.

Storyline Documents for Download

Each of our Storylines is described in more detail in a respective document. These documents focus on i) the background and regional context of the Storyline, ii) projected climate change impacts in the region, iii) the FutureMARES Scenarios describing future society and economy, iv) research gaps we identified in the region, and v) the work FutureMARES is undertaking to close these gaps.

From today on, the Storyline documents are available for download here on the website as PDF files. Download your region's document to find out more about our work and whom to contact if you have questions or input for us!



© 2023 by FutureMARES


This project receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 869300

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