Climate Change
and Future Marine
and Biodiversity

Regions & Storylines​
Throughout FutureMARES, project partners will create 39 unique 'storylines' that will showcase what the effects of climate change means for species in the environments we will study. These storylines will also include examples of effictive restoration, effective conservation, and sustainable harvesting.

The storylines focus on:
NBS1 - Effective Restoration
NBS2 - Effective Conservation
NIH - Nature Inclusive Harvesting
Click on the icon to download detailed Storyline description
FutureMARES Storylines​
Storylines 1, 2, 3
Norwegian Coast, inter-relationships among kelp, sea urchins and cod
Storyline 4
Salmon at Hardangerfjord, Norway
Storyline 6
Restoration of eelgrass (Zostera
marina) in the south-west Baltic Sea
Storyline 7
Conservation of coastal seaweeds, seagrasses, invertebrates and fish in the north-east Baltic Sea
Storyline 8
Basin scale management & MPAs in
the Baltic Sea
Storyline 9
Sustainable mussel culture in the Limfjorden, SW Baltic Sea
Storyline 10
Restoration of oysters in Dutch coastal waters
Storyline 11
Saltmarsh, seagrass and kelp habitats in the North Devon UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve
Storylines 12, 13 & 14
Marine spatial planning (broad coverage)​​
Storyline 15
Seaweed, mussels, and oysters in the
north-east Atlantic and North Sea
Storylines 16,17, 18 & 19
Diadromous species in the NE Atlantic Ocean, including transitional and upstream waters
Storylines 20, 22, 24
Nature-based Solutions in the Basque coast of Bay of Biscay: seagrass restoration, protected areas, and sustainable seafood harvesting
Storylines 21 & 23
Kelp forests & biodiversity in northern Portugal
Storyline 25
Restoration of seagrass (Posidonia oceanica) in the Balearic Islands (NW Mediterranean)
Storyline 26
Marine Protected Area network for Aegean biodiversity
Storyline 27
Karpathos & Saria MPAs: seagrasses and meadows, soft/rocky bottom
Storyline 28
Seagrass meadows and macroalgal forests in the MPA network of the Tuscan Archipelago
​Storyline 29
Habitat-forming macroalgae / corals in the western Mediterranean Sea
Storylines 30, 31, 33
Conservation / Fisheries Sustainability in the Western Mediterranean from a regional perspective + synergies
Storyline 32
Basin-wide sea turtle conservation in the Mediterranean Sea
Storyline 34 & 35
Climate change and bioinvasion impacts on reef & canopy-forming macroalgae and shelf fisheries in SE Mediterranean Sea
Storyline 36
Biogeography and biodiversity change on coastal communities at continental scales
Storyline 37
Hotspots and refuges for European Seas under the pressures of warming, acidification and deoxygenation
Storyline 38
Sustainable Seafood Harvesting in the Belize EEZ
Storyline 39 & 40
Ecosystem approach for the Chilean island systems